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 Charged for riding a bike

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4 posters
Hong Kong Phooey
Hong Kong Phooey

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Charged for riding a bike Empty
PostSubject: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime19/11/2007, 8:06 am

Ok, admittingly he has very unusual sexual inclinations, but should he really be put on a sex offender's register for this?

Is it really much different from using a sex toy? (even though a bike hasn't been designed for this purpose)
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Girl on Fire
Girl on Fire

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Charged for riding a bike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime20/11/2007, 2:19 am

I think he was charged because here were other people present i.e the cleaners, although what he does in the privacy of his own room should be up to him

Is a hostel classd as in public?
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Green Eyed Gal
Green Eyed Gal

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PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime21/11/2007, 8:46 am

well he must have been TYRED not to have heard the cleaners come in. It must be embarrassing for him to be SPOKE of in such a way. Fancy being SADDLED with such a stigma!

I would imagine many men have been with the local bike but never got put on a register for it!

So he had sex with an inanimate object.... None of you knew my ex husband!

So does that mean women should be put on a register for indulging in the delights of Ann summers toys?
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Charged for riding a bike Empty
PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime29/11/2007, 11:12 pm

If I were him I would sue the hostel for invasion of privacy!
Ooops, that's the American in me coming out.

Who cares if he has sex with an inanimate object?!
Better that than molesting or raping children, animals, or women! I mean really! What the hell?! It is no one's business but his own!

Kat, I agree with you! I think there are loads of women who could be in trouble for using those types of toys if it were made an issue!
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Ignatious Riley

Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime30/11/2007, 9:42 am

Kat wrote:
well he must have been TYRED not to have heard the cleaners come in. It must be embarrassing for him to be SPOKE of in such a way. Fancy being SADDLED with such a stigma!

His official SPOKEsperson said that he denies it being kinky as he didn't chain it up beforehands. Furthermore he didn't go the dirty route and mess with its mud flaps but was apprehensive in case it was on its monthly cycle.

They checked his computer to see if he had been peddling any erotic images on the web. The cleaner apparently walked into the room and saw him pumping away at the back wheel. She couldn't get to grips with the situation and saw him oiled up but the guy still reckons that he's been framed.

Apparently he had a wheelie good time and wishes people would give him a brake. Although in future he'll keep his brain in gear.
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Green Eyed Gal
Green Eyed Gal

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PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime30/11/2007, 10:42 am

🤣 🤣 🤣

alright clever trousers!!!
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Ignatious Riley

Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime30/11/2007, 10:53 am

Is riding a bike any worse than riding a horse?

I mean I know you've got to feed one regularly and stuff but they perform similar functions, no?
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PostSubject: Re: Charged for riding a bike   Charged for riding a bike Icon_minitime

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