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 war in iraq/afghan

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Isaac Hunt
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime13/8/2007, 2:24 am

I do have loved ones in the firing line Kat, but they signed up to go play with tanks and guns and I guess to do that you run the risk of being deaded.. everytime I hear about soldiers getting shot I pray it's not anyone I know, I abhor violence and war and don't really understand why people willingly sign up for the military, but without them we'd be living a very different life. I can't imagine what their parents and families must go through on a daily basis.

I also agree we need to get our head out of bush's arse and re-examine out motives for beingin Iraq. Once Blair charged in he had to see it through or end up looking stupider by admitting he was wrong. We need to start remembering we aren't a huge superpower and just a piddly little island who no longer has an empire. We are like a little jack russell following around a stupid, but viscious rottweiler and attacking anyone with a tasty bone that we'd like to have.
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Chief Recriutment officer
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime13/8/2007, 12:04 pm

Isaac Hunt wrote:
ellie wrote:
I agree and im sure half my exs regiment do to, but they have to do it,

No they don't 'have' to do it...just like they didnt 'have' to join the army.

I have never had the urge to take another life or risk losing mine...thats why i have never wanted to join the army.

Its a mugs game....those who create wars never fight them...they get the mugs to do it.

Ohh im not sure how to answer this, i do inderstand that joining the army is not everyones choice, but we do need an army and pisses me off people who slag them off and call the MUGS!! Im sure 90% of the world doesnt have the urge to take someones life, being in the army doesnt mean you want to kill someone, its a job and someones got to do it, anyway my question was what do you think about the situation not what do you think about soldiers, its a shame that alot of people are so judgemental about the army and soldiers and even army wives, i married my hubby knowing he was a soldier and would be away alot and even in dangerous situations, i never moaned about it ut that doesnt mean i liked it!!!!
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Isaac Hunt
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime19/8/2007, 5:57 am

ellie wrote:
Isaac Hunt wrote:
ellie wrote:
I agree and im sure half my exs regiment do to, but they have to do it,

No they don't 'have' to do it...just like they didnt 'have' to join the army.

I have never had the urge to take another life or risk losing mine...thats why i have never wanted to join the army.

Its a mugs game....those who create wars never fight them...they get the mugs to do it.

anyway my question was what do you think about the situation not what do you think about soldiers, its a shame that alot of people are so judgemental about the army and soldiers and even army wives,

I think the situation is really bad and very unjust, we went in there under the pretence that we were liberating the country whereas we are now just occupying the place...and they want it back.
I don't blame the iraq's from fighting back, they are just trying to protect whats any country would.

I will be judgemental over anyone who risks there lives and the lives of others for money, its 'only' a job and no amount of money would be worth a lifetime of nightmares or the risk of losing a spouse...having children with someone in the army?...nah, i'd like my child to keep both parents...if possible.

And yes...maybe without the army we would live in a different world...a peaceful one where we know that violence isnt the answer.

But as long as the MUGS are willing to fight....we'll get no where.

Wars will cease when men refuse to fight.
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/10/2007, 11:18 am

wars will not cease until there is nothing left to fight for plain and simple.

war is never right cause a fact of war is the innocent will die the people will suffer, it's not pretty but it is a fact of life in this world that we have created.

so to those of you who do stand on your soap box and preach look at history the world we live in has thrived on wars for millenia and will do so until we utterly destroy ourselves.
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capt f
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime27/10/2007, 11:55 am

I agree

War is just a diagreement where the tools we fight with are more destructive.

Disagreements are never gonna stop, so war is unlikely to either.
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Green Eyed Gal
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime4/12/2007, 1:50 pm

I just wanted to say that our own 'H' has returned from Iraq and hopefully for good...
I'm sure he has many things he could say about being out there and the things he has seen.

Welcome Home xx
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Chief Recriutment officer
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime4/12/2007, 2:27 pm

My ex hubby has returned home today too,,, they all had a shite time i think but they are back safe xxxxxxxx
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Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime4/12/2007, 2:50 pm

Isaac Hunt wrote:
Its a mugs game....those who create wars never fight them...they get the mugs to do it.

George Bush was a draft dodger by all accounts.

Nat wrote:
Sometimes you have to stand up and fight, if WW1 an WW2 hadn't have happened we'd be living in a very different world right now.

It's true. World war 2 was about fighting fascism. The biggest problem with joining the armed forces is that you obey orders and risk your life for politics that you may not even agree with. I hate how modern politics abuses our soldiers in this way.
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Green Eyed Gal
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime4/12/2007, 3:38 pm

I plageurised this post from POF by my mate Andy

We are in the Middle East essentially for one reason, energy supplies, Iraq holds a
sizable amount of 'known' reserve high grade oil; This oil together with it's infrastructure
is vital for the world's economic-social stability both East and West, until we can find
suitable alternative energy supplies and or reduce our mass consumption to a fraction
of it's current level [By that the 'Fraction' is just that].

The reason American and British Troops find themselves in this difficult situation,
without public support, is that there is a general suppression of how ominous our
energy situation is beginning to look.

If the public were made aware that virtually all their jobs, mortgages, currencies, food
transport in fact there entire 21st Century of living is severely sensitive to even a
small drop of from present Oil capacity, which would lead us into a 1930's style
global Depression, they might understand the reasons for soldiers stabilizing and
yes insuring Oil production.

There 'is' a war on, that war is surviving our consumption demands until they can
be scaled down to something sustainable. In the immediate future though that means
the next 5-10 years we need the Oil fix, in order to keep the world economically
stable enough to insure alternative strategies can be in place.

The short answer, why support the troops is necessity! without them the Middle East
would splinter into a myriad rival factions.. The resultant anarchy would compromise
Oil production through Saudi Arabia, Iran, The Caspian at precisely the decade in
which we find ourselves running out of fossil fuels.

Society and the infa-structure to a low carbon economy cannot be created over night,
the resultant chaos with goods/food production and delivery, would bring the west
to its knee's with mass unemployment, hyper inflation and interests rates well into
double figures to begin with...

Why should we not only support the troop but know why there there, because we
like to Eat and be Warm in winter, if nothing else.
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Ignatious Riley

Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime4/12/2007, 3:50 pm

I'm sorry but although that post is kind-of right in what he says but he's just trying to justify the war.

If there was a major emergency in oil supply then why are our leaders wanting to extend Heathrow airport and still encouraging us to be private car owners rather than improving the public transport infrastructure?

The war isn't about securing our oil supplies at reasonable prices. War itself sends the cost of oil soaring as uncertainty plays havoc on the stock exchange. The war is about CONTROLLING the resources of the middle east. Saddam Hussein was eased into power by a CIA-backed military coup. He was a US puppet. Towards the end of the cold war he started playing America and Russia off against each other and also invaded Kuwaite which wasn't in the American's interests. So they needed rid of him and to have him replaced.

We all know now that the so-called weapons of mass destruction don't exist but to now attempt to justify the murder of over 700.000 Iraqi civillians as simply as so we can 'have a warm winter and keep our luxuries' is as sick as it is naive a view-point, in my opinion.
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Hong Kong Phooey
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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime5/12/2007, 10:58 am

Not to mention that apart from aviation (although even there we are catching up fast), we already have the potential technology for replacing oil as an energy (and material) source.

The oil industry make billions (which the US government already have a large slice), and would rather suppress this technology and say that it is moving rather slowly. Invest those same billions into developing alternative energy sources and materials, and very quickly we can do away with digging up oil and still hold up the economy.

They already have contingency plans for alternative sources for when oil does run out (they are not stupid enough to ignore it, and they will eventually have no choice), just would rather delay things till they have used up every drop, while encouraging us to burn as much energy as possible, and denying the greenhouse effects.
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Ignatious Riley

Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime5/12/2007, 1:18 pm

Good post Lau. There's many othert technologies and fuel sources available which is why the oil conglomerates seek to suppress that kind of information and their brothers-in-arms will secure the oil flow to keep their citizens in their false sense of freedom.

There's so much more to world politics than just greed. It keeps people in power. And power corrupts absolute.
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Girl on Fire
Girl on Fire

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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime5/12/2007, 5:01 pm

I have to admit I agree... if energy is that short of supply then we'd have limits on what we can use, inthe wettest years we have ever had we have hose pipe bans to conserve water why not energy bans?

The government make a fortune off the tax on fossil fuel, no wonder they are looking to prolong it's use. Also the troops need a decent cause to believe in to be over there so they have come up with this.

Armies shold be there to fight for freedom, against opression and injustice, these days they are pawns of greed, no fault of their own I hasten to add and no direspect to their bravery and comitment. Governments are corrupt and out for what they can get. They have no long term goals or policies all they care about is staying in power. They don't even look after our trops properly by investing in their safety, life is just an expendible commodity,
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Ignatious Riley

Ignatious Riley

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PostSubject: Re: war in iraq/afghan   war in iraq/afghan - Page 2 Icon_minitime5/12/2007, 5:23 pm

Nat wrote:
no fault of their own I hasten to add and no direspect to their bravery and comitment.

I'd echo that sentiment. I have complete respect for our armed forces and wouldn't want my opinions to in any way to undermine the fact that they put their lives on the line or the difficult task they do.

But what an insult it must be to see some of their comrades fallen or seriously injured whilst Tony Blair reaps his personal rewards on the American lecture circuits and with his memoirs.

Twisted ideologies. And he calls himself a Christian. Let us not forget that Jesus Christ expelled the money men from the temples in the new testament so how Bush and Blair can claim to be of his ilk is an irony beyond overstatement.
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